The Honeysuckle Tapes

During Apollo, Bernie Scrivener recorded a number of tapes at Honeysuckle, as part of his task to brief the media. In 1989 he gave me a couple - Apollo 8 and Apollo 11. I couldn't do much with them because they were 1/4 inch reel to reel tapes and I didn't have a deck. However, recently Allan Foster, an ex-HSK technician offered the gift of a deck, together with a tape he made at HSK, mostly around Apollo 16 and 17, and mostly of internal HSK comms. So I have gone ahead and copied the tapes into my PC, made them into MP3 audio files, and put them on disc.

In addition, I met Col MacKellar of Sydney a year ago and he had some fascinating tapes of Apollos 13 and 17 "off air" audio made by himself. So with his permission I have made MP3s of his discs and they are included here.

John Saxon had a tape of DSS43 opening by Barnard, Whitlam and Fletcher. That is on here

I have included an 11meg PDF file of a 626 page transcript of Apollo 11 Air-ground, and links to Eric Jones and David Woods Apollo 11 and Apollo 8 (respectively) journals - well worth visiting for much more detailed transcripts, explanations and comms

There is also Apollo memorabilia of mine and John Saxon's

And I found a black and white video of Honeysuckle from 1969, plus video of the 1989 20th anniversary party at the Lakeside Canberra, and tapes of John Young's visit for the 25th anniversary in 1994. They are here as .wmv files.

You can play MP3s on modern DVD players. Click here for the display I get from this disc on my "Omni" player

There also three oral history transcripts as pdf files - Ed Fendell Ernie Randall and Bill Easter

Apollo 8

File GET mins megs
Apollo 8 cassette   33 3.9
Apollo 8 Part1 0:00 - 15:00 85 10
Apollo 8 Part 2   42 5

Apollo 11 Net 1 15 parts - 15 hours worth, 106 meg

Apollo 11 Net 2 and Alpha From "TV on" for 15 minutes - 1.4meg

Apollo 11 - ABC Radio News Broadcasts 1meg, 590k, 550k

Apollo 11 Command History - Commands sent from HSK from mission start to GET 208:56

Allan Foster's Tape

File GET mins megs
SRT Phase 1 0:00 - 15:00 3 400k
SRT Phase 1 - last   15 1.8
Apollo 16 HSK Ops   43 5
Composite of SRTs and Ops   96 11

Apollo 13 recordings off air by Col MacKellar Sydney - 38 Tracks (files), 150 minutes, 18 megs

Apollo 17 launch recordings off air by Col MacKellar Sydney -

626 page pdf file of Apollo 11 Air-ground comms - 11 meg

URL Link to Eric Jones' Lunar Surface Journal for Apollo 11

URL Link to David Woods Apollo 8 Journal

DSS43 Opening - 34 mins, 5 meg

Apollo Memorabilia - Mike Dinn's John Saxon's

John Saxon's Skylab - Tape 1 and Tape 2

Bob Leslie's Memories as first Director of Tidbinbilla, and later Assistant Secretary, American Projects Barnch
Part 1 46 min, 5.5 meg and Part 2, 46 min 5.5 meg

Videos in "*.wmv" Format. Needs Windows Media Player 7.1 or later.
Left Click to Play in Media Player. Right Click and "Save Target as ..." to save the file.
HSK Black & White Movie 90sec, 2.5meg
1989 20th Anniversary Party 90min, 102meg
1994 John Young Visit 15min, 68meg


1 May 2003